Трябва да можете да използвате мишката, да пишете, да четете и да броите до 20.

Първият семестър е подготвен за запознаване със света на програмирането и неговите основни концепции. Учениците могат да демонстрират своите умения в средата на Scratch и Minecraft Education Edition. Благодарение на навлизането в световете на такива игри като Minecraft, Fortnite, Angry Birds, ние предаваме завладяващи теми от света на програмирането по необичаен начин.

График на занятията 14 срещи

Размер на групата Максимум до 12 души

Плащане Месечно, тримесечно, годишно

за курса 300,00 лв

Имате ли въпроси?


Основите на програмирането са реализирани на езика Scratch. Това е образователен език, създаден като инструмент за обучение на децата на основите на кодирането. Позволява лесно създаване на интерактивни истории, анимации или игри. Кодирането се извършва визуално – елементи от езика са под формата на пъзели, които подредени по подходящ начин създават работеща програма или игра. През първия семестър също се учим как да използваме блокови обекти: KODU (създаване на 3D игри) и Makey Makey (кодиране с помощта на електронни табла). След завършване на курса всеки участник получава сертификат, потвърждаващ участието му. ТРЯБВА ДА ЗНАЕТЕ КАК ДА ПИШЕТЕ, ЧЕТЕТЕ И БРОИТЕ ДО 20.

План на курса

Minecraft in Scratch? Hassle-free! Join the mission where you will sit at the helm of your own Crafting Table. Move blocks, create and play. Minecraft experience guaranteed!
Angry Birds can be found not only on the tablet or in the cinema room. If you search well, you will also find them in our classes. Join the Angry Birds team and hunt bad pigs today, tasked with taking over the world.
The mission isn't over yet. We have to fight the pigs again - but this time there are many more of them than the last time.
Game developers know very well that the ability to create graphics is the key to designing your own games, therefore, during the lesson, we will familiarize students with the "Pen" category and create a simple editor for painting.
Hello! Hello! Do we have math fans on board here? If so, we catch the wind in the sails and act. Today we will show you that mathematics does not have to be boring and can be used in programming in many ways. During the classes, an educational mathematical animation will be created to solve simple mathematical tasks. Arithmetic activities will be shown - multiplication and addition.
Another season in Fortnite and you do not know how to prepare yourself? Jump behind Scratch's rudder and do some training with the harvesting tool. Wander around the board and hit critical points. Thanks to our training no Battle Royal will be scary for you. During the classes we will learn about the draw mechanics and the possibilities of its application in creating games. We will also discuss basic information about the loop.
Road safety is essential. We have to help our hero to get to the other side of the street but unfortunately cars drive like crazy. Take a look to the left, and look to the right and run. During the lesson we will create a game that consists of crossing the character through a busy street, avoiding being hit by driving cars. During the creation of the game, you will be shown the transmission of messages and the countdown of time by using a stopwatch.
The rest of our journey. We almost succeeded but there are more and more cars. Can you do it? The lesson aims at completing the previous game and summarizing the knowledge gained by completing the project set by the teacher on your own.
Are you familiar with names like Enderman, Creeper or Ghast? In today's class we will move to a completely new dimension. Thanks to the MakeCode platform you will be able to penetrate the world of Minecraft and program it according to your own idea. We are not waiting - the portal to Minecraft is closing soon. During the course we will learn the basics of Minecraft coding with MakeCode platforms, thanks to which we will be able to transfer block coding to the world of Minecraft, thus modifying the game.
Survival of the first night is one of the most crucial moments in Minecraft. Usually we have only basic raw materials to build a wooden hut. But how about an anatomical hut made of bedrock? On the first day! We will learn the basics of building construction and design, adding doors and various defensive elements.